Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I Am Legend...

...is such a cool movie! OMG, it was soo good! I had a great time--even without popcorn and a soda! I did enjoy a Kombucha tea during the movie, however. It was a nice treat!

I finally remembered to purchase some Kombucha tea from whole foods on Monday! Very very interesting elixir I must admit. I've heard so many people talk about it and sparked my interest some time ago. My first experience with it was on Monday morning--terrible timing. I got a little nauseous. I think it was because I just had some pasteurized apple juice then Kombucha; after not having anything for 7 hours! Not a good combo ! I didn't think I was going to try it til after my fast was over, but I felt really energized all day today and thought I'd give it another try. Funny smell, but I liked twangy taste and the carbonation! I'm not sure if it was a coincidence or what, but it seemed to perk me up a bit. Hmmmm.................

I had a weird morning because I'm still on Pacific Standard time. I got eight hours of sleep but couldn't figure out why my eyes were so heavy. Then it dawned on me that it's 3am in California right now. Oh well, off to a weird start, but gained momentum early and was very productive for work today!

I was in the kitchen again and I think I made enough juice for tomorrow. I sure miss my Breville juicer!

I need to stay on this fast. I need to stay away from cooked foods for as long as I possibly can! I don't want to go back to my old eating habits. The longer I can fast the stronger I'll be when I get back to whole foods again. Before I started this fast I had a hard time NOT eating out! I was driving to the theater tonight and I couldn't help looking at all the pizzerias and other eateries. I think it's just habit too!

Still feeling strong, but getting tired so I guess I'll wrap up this post.

Day 17

92 days! Man that sounds like a long flippin time to not eat. I feel like I'm on such a roll right now, that I could totally do it! Can I do it! I totally have a strong desire to get there!

For me, it's not just about detox and weight loss. I'm also doing this for spiritual and emotional reasons as well! I'm such an addict when it comes to so many things in my life. Actually, the really bad stuff I gave up some time ago! However, those addictions were only replaced with certain foods--not so bad, comparatively speaking some might say!

First I gave up alcohol almost 2 years ago, 4/1/06! I didn't think it was a problem for me until I tried to quit and realized I couldn't! OMG, it was true...I had become a pickle! A little less than a year later I gave up smoking cigarettes, 12/31/06! I also gave up all meat and tried to go mostly vegan! I ate some meat, experimentally speaking, a few times within the last year, but my body paid dearly every time I indulged! After not eating meat for so long it was so taxing on my body to process! It's truly amazing what our bodies get used to!

I want to be healthy! I want to have abundant energy! I want to be able to go backpacking and climb mountain peaks again without my knees hurting for days afterwards. I want to be able to work in the garden for hours on end without my lower back hurting. I want to run a marathon, and a triathlon. I want to LIVE for a long long time! I want to have the time and energy to play and be present with my children! I want to figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life! I want to get to figure out who I am and where I'm headed spiritually! Slowly and confidently I know I'm heading in the right direction!

Alpine Cheer

Day 18
[12:30am EST]

I did an amazing job on the amount of produce I purchased on Monday for exactly 4+ days of juice. I impress myself sometimes! ;-) Besides missing my family and being couped up in an apartment testing SW, this was a good trip for me! It was really easy to stay focused on my feast! I've got about a quart left over to down just before I get to the security gate at the airport. My flight is just under 6 hours back home! I'll be looking for Jamba again! ;-)

I just got back from seeing Juno. It was a great movie. I saw the Atonement last night. It was OK. I was expecting more however.

I can feel emotional detox starting to simmer in me! Hmmmm...............It will feel good when I get to release it! Not sure when it will happen!

1 comment:

kalequeen said...

This post was really inspiring. Congratulations on quitting the alcohol/cigarettes...you've probably added decades to your life!

Anyway, I think addictions plague everyone...whether we realize it or not. I think it was Victoria Boutenko who said that quitting cooked food can actually be harder than quitting other addictive substances because its a huge part of our culture, and its everywhere.

People tend to understand when you tell them you're quitting alcohol/cigarettes/etc, but there's little support from the general population for people who switch to a raw vegan diet or decide to stop eating for 92 days, lol. :)

From my experience, the quality of the foods you crave will get better the longer you stay on your feast. You also have control over what you are craving. If you start thinking about really awful SAD food, think about a raw equivalent instead. If you let yourself spend 92 days thinking about junk food...ehhh, bad things could end up happening, lol.

Another thing I try to do, if I'm craving junky SAD food, is just think about whether its sweet or salty. Then I just tell myself I'm craving something sweet or salty, instead of the junk. It usually helps.