Monday, April 20, 2009

Green juice, green smoothies, OH MY...

What a difference a day makes. I'm so glad this day is almost over and I can plop into bed for a pleasant slumber! OMG...I had the hardest time falling asleep last night because of my coffee consumption! I knew it too! Since my body did not have any coffee for at least a week or more, I was super sensitive! I knew I was going to have a hard time of it! I think I actually thought I'd just have a small coffee or a grande! Oh no, not me dude! I have a Venti! It's like a tall beer or a pint of Lager! Then i go back for one more, when the caffeine buzz is really on! Like it's going to get better or something. Actually, I got cotton mouth and felt pretty lousy after about an hour or so after finishing my second Venti!

I think I've learned my lesson! I don't like the way caffeine makes me feel. Not to mention all the negative effects it has on your body! I've been re-reading a lot of the literature I have on caffeine and it really does help to keep me focused on why I need to stay far away from the stuff!


32 oz Lemon water with MSM
32 oz of greeen smoothie
32 oz of greeen juice
64 oz of water
10 chlorella tabs
10 spirulina tabs
1 TBS bee pollen
2 bananas

I felt really great and was going to stay raw, but the Indian food we purchased last night was calling my name, "one last time"!!

I should have stuck with my plan, because I had plenty of energy prior to consuming the indian food!!

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