Wednesday, February 25, 2009

17 Days...not too bad

17 is a far cry from 90! But...I'll take 17 over 3 0r 4 any day! 17 days and I faltered! It was a good run, but I'm stoked to be raw currently! I think I may have gone to that place of doneness with cooked food! I did eat cooked after my 17 days--straight away as I recall! It didn't take me long before I lost all that I had gained and worked so hard for.

Oh well! It is a journey! I'm feeling really strong and ready to commit, again! I really want to be the change I wish to see in the world. I have so, so many dreams, goals, ambitions, and creative ideas I can't be bogged down with cooked food sluggishness! No way! I'm actually tired slightly from eating too many fats, but hey, it's raw! I'm sure I'll be fasting again very soon! I'll be ramping up to actually make my goal of 90 days!

I've had a ton of gas today, and I'm not sure why? Maybe too much chlorella??

Looking forward to reconnecting with other raw fooders and folks that can relate to my struggles with cooked food!

Blessings to all,


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