Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fasting, Recovery, and Bikram Yoga...Oh my..

So I did a 4 day fast recently and am so stoked for the energy and willpower to pull it off. Maybe I should say God Power instead of willpower. Thank you God for the power to juice fast for 4 (almost 5) days! It felt so good to take a break from eating. I detoxed a little bit. Shed a few pounds, of course! Bonus! Got some great sleep! Did not disturb my wife's sleep by snoring. Apparently, when I eat cleaner and I'm less fat, I tend not to snore! Lately, I've been snoring quite a bit! Anyway...not really sure how to recap since my last post, but thought I'd post something to get some thoughts out of my head!

Went to a very good meeting tonight! I thought it was going to be a dry meeting because I sized up the speaker based on his looks! Terrible right! I hate when I do that! Part of me wanted to turn around when I noticed the chair person. So glad I stayed. I always get something out of every meeting I go to!

The topic was on Step 10: Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it!

I didn't get a chance to share! I haven't really given step 10 a good look lately, but realized tonight that it is very much engrained in my daily life! I'm constantly taking my inventory and am very aware of the actions I need to take in order to help me live happy, joyous, and free! Now, whether or not I take the action is a very different story! Lately, however, I've been taking a lot of action in many areas of my life that I feel is helping to make me a better human being.

List of actions:
  • I'm sober today
  • Got to a meeting tonight
  • Asked someone to sponsor me
  • Made an appointment with my dentist
  • Recently sought counsel of a nutritionist
  • Started to see my therapist more regularly
  • Showing up for work on time
  • Present for my children and wife
  • Starting to attend Bikram Yoga classes regularly
Those are the list of actions that I've taken recently that are helping me so much. I've been very lazy in the self development area of my life and am confident that I will continue to take the right path with the least resistance.

Not sure where I'm going now...I'm tired of looking at the screen.

I should mention that I regret drinking the coffee today. I should have listened to my inner self that said, don't do it! But hopefully I learned that my body doesn't respond well to it any longer. I do not plan on drinking any tomorrow or the day after. I pray that I stay away from it! It's a drug that my body and mind crave and deep down I know that I can't drink it without having ill effects! I just felt amped and edgey. Oh well...progress not perfection! Thank god tomorrow is a new day.

Bikram was very tough this morning. Actually, this was the toughest class I've had since I started. I'm not really sure what it was, but I'm just thankful that I went and got through the practice! I'm pretty sure I'll go tomorrow.

