Thanks to all of you that have left comments and, most importantly, prayed and or sent to me good vibrations of healing, positivity, strength, courage, and LOVE! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I truly love this raw food community! If you have any clue of what the raw food movement/LIFESTYLE is or are in the beginning stages of research and discovery; then you know or feel you're on to something HUGE!
I recently watched a video of a guy on you tube! (Courtesy of QWLIR, of course.) He was talking about how BIG this raw food thing is! "IT_IS_WAY_BIGGER_THAN_YOU_OR_ME" It was so funny the way he said it. (Not because he is from England either!) It was funny because I could so relate to what he was talking about!!!
Paraphrasing: If you think you can do this thing without slippin up, than you're in for a surprise! If you can, than more power to ya. If you can't no big deal because this raw food thing "IS_WAY_BIGGER_THAN_YOU_OR_ME" Don't beat yourself up! JUST_START_OVER!! There's no raw food police around that's going to arrest you for slippin! (LOL) JUST_START_OVER! Tomorrow is a new day and you can start fresh! The important thing to remember is to NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP!! and TO START OVER!!! No matter what!
Those of you who are doing and living the RAW_FOOD_LIFESTYLE, you are my heroes and my mentors! Thank you for blogging! Thank you for your words of inspiration and love!
Cheers to YOU and Cheers to US! May you have peace, love, and happiness in your life ALWAYS!
I'm slowly but surely transforming! It's an amazing journey! I love it!
Thanks again!
--Dougie (Rawesome) Fresh ;-)